【商业思考】如何将客户服务转变为我们的竞争和发展优势?发表时间:2024-03-13 14:25 ▲ 点击蓝字关注“BMCGROUP人才发展” 订阅人才发展商业洞见 As a business manager of our company, one of my paramount duties has been to excel in customer service. My goal has never been just to meet the known expectations of our clients but to surprise and delight them by exceeding those expectations. Through years of trial and error, along with countless interactions, I've identified four core objectives that enable us to deliver an exceptional customer service experience. This commitment to excellence in customer service has not only strengthened our relationships with clients, some of whom have been with us for over four to five years, but has also led to new client referrals. These four core objectives have become the cornerstone of our customer service philosophy. Allow me to share insights from my experience on how focusing on these goals has transformed customer service into a significant advantage for our business's ongoing development.
Speaking Up for Our Customers:The first major breakthrough came when I realised the importance of being our customers' advocate. This goes beyond simply meeting their needs and solving their issues; it's about championing their interests within the organisation. I've made it my mission to ensure their voices are heard across all departments, from product development to marketing. This approach has not only led to the development of better products and services but has also deepened the trust between us and our clients. They know we're not just listening—we're actively representing them and taking action on their behalf.培养客户忠诚度建立忠诚度是我的下一个重点。我很快学到,忠诚度不是源于单一的互动,而是来自于始终如一的积极体验。通过把每位客户当作我们唯一的客户来对待,我们成功地建立了忠诚的客户关系。具体表现是个性化的接触、超预期的增值服务,或者仅仅是在通话中记住他们的名字或爱好,都极大地产生了影响。我发现,忠诚度是在这些真诚关怀和认可的小细节中培养出来的。 回顾过去,这四个目标在改变我们对客户服务的方法上起到了关键作用。这是一个永无止境的改进旅程,但它非常有回报。将客户服务作为个人使命,而不仅仅是公司或所在部门的责任。在自己公司内部或者去客户公司提供培训的时候,我都会分享这些经验。希望对各位读者也有所帮助! Reflecting on the past, these four objectives have played a crucial role in transforming our approach to customer service. It's an endless journey of improvement, but immensely rewarding. Making customer service a personal mission, rather than just a corporate or departmental responsibility, has been key. Whether providing training within our own company or at a client's premises, I always share these experiences, hoping they'll be helpful to others as well! 基于资深团队40 多年的全球业务和培训经验,我们的人才发展洞察将为您和您的团队提供关键技能解读来保持领先的商业人才和思维认知的地位。我们很荣幸邀请您探讨以上文章的内容,或其他您任何感兴趣的主题。请告知您的可用时间预定会议。 Drawing on over 40 years of global business and training experience, our newsletter gives you and your team key tips to stay ahead and think creatively. We are delighted to invite you to have a short meeting to discuss the business ideas in this newsletter, or any other talent development topics relevant to your business needs. Please let me know your availability. Email:danny.li@bmconsulting.cn | Contact us: https://www.bmconsulting.cn/contactus [BMC Partnership | City & Guilds Approved Centre] 如果您喜欢我们的文章,欢迎您分享给更多的人 请订阅我们的公众号,获得文章的即时更新和推送 点击订阅 Subscirbe Now 如果您有兴趣进一步拓展您或您的企业组织在商务技能方面的知识请与我们联系,一同探讨我们经过市场测试的全定制培训计划。 |
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